The post above is both why I read blogs and why I write them.
1. When she writes about her cats like that I pee myself with laughter.
2. A gentle reader bought her a wicked expensive present, probably because she made him pee with laughter too.
The post above is both why I read blogs and why I write them.
1. When she writes about her cats like that I pee myself with laughter.
2. A gentle reader bought her a wicked expensive present, probably because she made him pee with laughter too.
TOO funny. And part of WHY this is so funny (to ME, anyway) is that I have not one, but TWO Roobas thanks to Colin's old gig at iRobot (we technically have three, but one's for parts so he can do the 'frankenRoomba' thing as necessary). Thank you SO much for sharing that - I forwarded it on to Colin who also thought it was a hoot.
I'm glad it was something the whole family could enjoy. Sars is at her best when she's writing about her cats, I think.
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