Friday, March 04, 2005

Having Faith

You may or may not know this, but for some time I've been stressing over the student teaching internship that's required as part of my graduate degree. The entire process is stressful in and of itself - think a whole pride of lions fighting over an itty-bitty antelope, and you'll get the picture of how interns (the pride) and coordinating teachers (the antelope) have to get together - but I have endevoured to make it even MORE fun by trying to do my internship in a) a program that isn't consistent with my major and b) in a school that isn't even participating in the internship program at UNH this year (leave it to me to make something complicated even that much moreso!). I want to intern with Deaf kids in Manchester; I've found a GREAT teacher who wants to work with me and I have the blessing of the program director who was a former ASL teacher of mine.
The contracts come out on Monday and I'm hoping to have it all signed, turned in, and APPROVED by the end of the month.

The "having faith" part comes in that I don't know who at UNH will be making the decision to let me do this (or not) and because if I DON'T get approved, I'm pretty much screwed because since I essentially already have my "antelope," I've not been fighting for a piece of anyone else's. If the powers-that-be tell me "NO" then I'm going to have to scramble around here looking for someone who'll agree to mentor me next year. So, given that I have so little control over it all, I've handed it to the Goddess in the hopes that the best path will be laid out before me - even if that path isn't the one I've been trying to get onto for the past six months. Good wishes sent in my direction are profoundly and gratefully appreciated.


Blogger Kizz said...

We've talked about this some before. I stand by my position that they just have to say yes. I understand this isn't consistent with any experience any of us have ever had with bureaucracy but I'm counting on it being the only kind of faith I have to give. So, good thoughts and lots of faith. It's the perfect fit for you and it's exactly what you want I'm sure there's some how we can make this happen. When do decisions happen?

3/05/2005 9:06 PM  

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