Monday, February 21, 2005

Changes in Latitude

Can you hear me sighing from where you are? I'm feeling SO much better here in Florida. It took me a couple of days, but I'm finally over my depression, I'm relaxing and not thinking, nonstop, about stuff I really can't control anyway. It's warm and sunny, the breeze sounds very different through palm trees than it does through the pines at home, and the beaches here are actually fun places to be. I've always, as a New Englander, felt cheated by our beaches. Grey, slimy, COLD places they are. Here, the sand is white, the water doesn't send you into cardiac arrest at first contact, and there is a variety of shells unlike any I've ever seen. Our greatest challenge is trying to maintain a certain complexion. White is good, red is BAD. So far, so good.....


Blogger JRH said...

Sher -- I am so glad the warmth is good for what ails you. (It snowed here yesterday!) Can't wait for you to come back for some GF time though...

2/22/2005 9:14 AM  
Blogger Kizz said...

Oh god, I can't believe you tarnished the rep of NE beaches. I mean, yes, I understand, it's not the same as anywhere else but man, I love the beach anywhere. I even like walking on the beach up there in the winter. I love sand and sea and the wind and the way it's terrifying to sit on the wall by the parking lot at Jenness Beach and see the full moon because it's so far out there in the vast sea/sky combo and I'm so tiny compared to it. I miss it so much. Of course, it's not like I make a point to remedy my loss by spending time at the many beaches we have here in NY. I don't know why that is.

3/02/2005 1:36 PM  

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