Monday, July 25, 2005


Is anyone still reading this spot? I'm just wondering, because it's been a while since anything new was posted and, well, I know we're all busy and stuff, so I'm thinking maybe this spot has fallen off everyone's radar? This may just be another step on my path to accepting that the Girlfriend Group is pretty much disbanded. Sigh.


Blogger Kizz said...

I'm still reading, but as far as I can tell it's just you and me. I know I've been lax about writing here since I made specific goals about writing on my personal blog, and since you and I speak often I knew that you weren't going to miss any information if I didn't.
I know that Julie signed up, but no one else ever did and I don't know that anyone else even came by to read stuff here. I'm disappointed too.
Would it be useful to send a link to this entry to the group as a sort of call for closure (if it's needed) or is that too much?

7/25/2005 10:16 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Chili said...

You know what? I think I'm ok with just letting it fade into that goodnight. I'm really sick of doing the hospice thing for relationships that no one else seems overly enthusiastic to maintain. That sounds a whole lot more bitter than I really feel, though, but the underlying point is vaild.

We hung together for what we needed; the Universe must believe that need has been satisfied and now we're moving on. I'm ok with that. Actually, I think that this whole letting go thing may be part of the lesson for me.

7/27/2005 9:19 PM  
Blogger Kizz said...

You are very much cooler and calmer about letting things/people go. You set a good example.

7/28/2005 5:58 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Chili said...

Well, I don't know about what kind of example I set, but I do know that it took a lot of false starts before I got here.

I tend to take my friendships a lot more seriously than most. To that end, I've put a lot of energy into relationships that was either a poor investment or was only marginally returned to me. After having this happen to me more than a few times, I'm finally starting to get the message the Universe is sending me. Some people will work with you, some people won't, and that's ok.

7/28/2005 8:21 PM  
Blogger JRH said...

Hey! I am still here. I read, not obsessively, but I do read. I guess I am just not on the blog bandwagon. I don't know if that's Everyone Else's issue too, or if they'd be mute via email as well. Should we send an email shout out and see who's still alive? If you send me the current address list, I'll do it... I may have some news to share. :P

8/19/2005 8:31 AM  
Blogger Kizz said...

Sher and I had talked about keeping the blog up and dormant so that people could use it to make larger announcements like the one you may have. Easier to send out a link than pictures and whatnot. We hadn't come to a definitive conclusion yet. I'm open, but like I said, I probably won't write so much as I'm concentrating on the other blog and I know that J&S read that and I don't have any reason to think that anyone else is reading here that isn't reading my personal blog. So, to whatever you guys want to do.

8/21/2005 10:30 PM  

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