Sunday, May 22, 2005

ENOUGH, Already!!

I'm not dorky enough to keep track of the weather every day, but I really wish I knew someone who is because this has got to be some sort of record. I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that we've had one, maybe two nice days here this month - the rest have been overcast, if not outright rainy, and chilly. I'm talking "less-than-fifty-eight-degrees" chilly. If not for the fact that the trees are managing to grow some leaves, I'd swear to you that it was late October instead of damned-near June. I've been praying that this summer turns out nicer than last, which was a total bust, because I don't know how much more of this crappy New England weather I can take - native Yankee or not.

On the page that opens when I fire up the computer, I have a column that lists the weather in little icons for my home, NYC, DC, Huntsville AL, and Winter Park and Sanibel FL. Almost without fail, mine is the only little gray cloud icon, and I'm getting MIGHTY sick of it. I'm thinking that, for the sake of my sanity, I should replace the weather with something meaningless to me, like stock quotes or something, just to keep me from hating the people I love who live in places warmer and sunnier than I do....


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