Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Day the Addition is Weather-Tight.... won't rain for six months.

My beloved is having a bit of a time with the fact that it is currently POURING rain. Now normally, rain isn't an issue around here, but right now the addition we're building is completely exposed, the entire back of the existing house has been divested, thanks to Dana the Cheap Stripper, of all its siding and weatherproofing, and something about the confluence of these conditions causes whatever water that rolls off of the structures to collect....wait for it.... in the basement. This morning's conversations were peppered with such nouns as "towels," "fans," and "tarps."

And it's all the Brit's fault, really. Last night, as he was leaving, he decided to leave a few things out because, and I'm quoting here, "it's not going to rain tonight." Well, precisely speaking, he was right - it didn't rain last night - but it's enthusiastically making up for that fact this morning...


Blogger Kizz said...

Just proving to your husband that no matter how much time you spend tweaking the pumping system and getting every last drop of water out of the foundation in a minute someone is just going to go pour water in it so the kids can play.

6/22/2005 2:58 PM  

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