Friday, April 22, 2005

Big News

I have a desk! I went to Manchester on Wednesday to find that Reed had scrounged a desk for me; it's set up, along with the desks of the five other adults who work in the program, in the "new" room in the building. (Wednesday was moving day - the Deaf kids have been in a "portable classroom" (I just love that euphamism) for years, and they've finally been moved into the actual high school following some ongoing construction.) It's a tiny, green metal thing that has a "Friend of the Manchester Animal Shelter" sticker on one of the drawers and remnants of old tape on the front where I'm assuming some sort of posters were stuck. It's nothing, really, to get excited about, and yet, I'm very, very excited.

This whole desk thing has me feeling a little like the Velveteen Rabbit - you know, "love makes you real"? I've had a sort of stoic cynism about this whole process for a while now - I'm secretly waiting for someone at UNH to say "wait a minute! You can't do that!", void my contract and make me start all over again. Some of the things adding to my apprehension are that I still don't know who my UNH supervisor will be, or which schedule I'll follow, or how much time I'll have to spend with either of my cooperating teachers but DAMMIT, I have a desk! This might actually happen!


Blogger Kizz said...

This is so gonna happen.

Personal space, validation, a whole desk, doesn't matter how skankified, it's very, very cool.


4/22/2005 10:57 AM  

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